work flowis not just a conference; it’s a dynamic source of knowledge, connection, and wellness, elevating you personally and professionally. Join us and AAFNA at the Embassy Suites in Downtown Huntsville for a 1-day conference like no other. AAFNA will be hosting our fellow AAF District 7 Chapters from Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana right here in Huntsville!
AAFNA has kindly partnered with DWH to give our participants 20% off tickets using code: dwh
That creative sweet spot where passion meets productivity. The flow state is the experience of being so absorbed by an engaging, enjoyable task that your attention is competely held by it…you’re “in the zone”
What if we could do this on demand?
Successful communication flow relies on clear channels, effective mediums, and appropriate feedback mechanisms. It encourages open dialogue, active listening, and transparency, fostering a culture of information sharing and collaboration.
How well does your team communicate?
What flow are we going with and why? This doesn’t mean we are simply following along, but rather adapting to new circumstances, allowing things to play out, enjoying the adventure, and simply releasing control.
How can you learn to let go and let flow?